Annex C: Scope of Supplementary Planning Documents


The following sets out the scope for the SPDs which are recommended for high priority production:


1.    Housing Supplementary Planning Document 1

2.    Planning for Health Supplementary Planning Document 5

3.    Planning for Green Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document 7

4.    Planning for York’s Gypsy and Traveller Communities. 9

5.    Transport SPD.. 10




Each section sets out indicative resourcing for SPD production. For efficiency, internal technical groups will be organised. Where necessary, joint workshops will be held to ensure issues are discussed and aligned with the relevant SPD, ensuring relevant cross-linkages where necessary.  



1.    Housing Supplementary Planning Document




The Housing SPD, the scope of which is outlined below, will require input from colleagues in the following teams: 

·         Strategic planning policy 

·         Housing

·         Communities (Access)

·         Development Management 



Policy H1: Housing Allocations

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

      Allocates sites for residential use

      Provides indicative capacity

      Cross reference to other policy requirements related to:

     Open space retention / reprovision

     Impacts on Strensall Common

     Green Belt boundary treatment

Clarification of site capacity interpretation with links to other policy influences


Policy H2: Density of Residential Development

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To make efficient and appropriate use of land: recommended densities set out according to location

      To set out when alternative density approaches will likely be supported (case study examples)

      Capture broader design issues linked to “Delivering Quality Homes and Neighbourhoods”.

Policy H3: Balancing the Housing Market

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

      Proposed mix of housing tenures, types and sizes to be informed by evidence – currently the Local Housing Needs Assessment

      Encourages higher than building regs access standards to be achieved

      What the Local Housing Needs Assessment (LHNA)tells us and how we intend to apply the findings to schemes

      What other evidence can be relied on (e.g. draft strategic housing needs assessment for people with disabilities and autism from the Integrated Care Board)

      Clarity on when alternative mixes will be supported

      Case study material (Burnholme, Lowfield etc) that demonstrates:

      Customer focus, articulating end user experience (drawing on examples where there have been competing design objectives e.g promoting low car ownership Vs providing accessible parking to meet mobility needs)

      Full development approach

      Links to ‘Building for a Healthy Life’ and National Design Guide

      Min. requirements for the planning application

      Set out intentions for S106 and planning conditions

      Recommendations for the proportion of homes meeting higher access standards (drawing on viability work in support of the policy), including associated design considerations.

Policy H10: Affordable Housing

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

      Sets contribution triggers and proportions for delivery on and off-site

      Defines tenure mix expectations (related to evidenced need)

      Affordable Housing secured in perpetuity

      Vacant Building Credit (VBC)

      Use of open book appraisal for viability challenges

      Integration of Affordable Housing in development and delivery of good quality affordable homes


·         Case for exceptional circumstances and viability appraisal

·         Approaches to integrating Affordable Housing in design of new developments – case studies

·         Details of Off Site Financial Contribution (OSFC) formula, when and how inputs will be updated.


Policy H4: Promoting Self and Custom House Building

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

      General support

      Requirement for strategic sites to provide 5% of plots as self/custom build


      Forming part of “Increasing the range of housing choices” section

      Case study examples

      Address strategic site requirements inc. conditions, phasing and 106 expectations.

      Provide guidance on suitable forms of self and custom build homes

Policy H7: Off Campus Purpose Built Student Housing

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

      Steer Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) on campus as far as possible

      Requires need to be demonstrated

      Site specific considerations

      Sets Affordable Housing contribution and nomination agreement


      Clarify how need should be demonstrated, confirming:

     application requirements

     CYC role in monitoring and information sharing

      Approach to securing nomination agreements

      Design considerations

Policy H9: Older Persons Specialist Housing

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

      General support for specialist housing, where:

     Need demonstrated

     Suitably located

     Appropriately designed with amenities and facilities included

      Strategic site requirements

      Clarify how need should be demonstrated, confirming:

     application requirements

     CYC role in monitoring and information sharing

      Address strategic site requirements inc. conditions and 106 expectations

Policy H8: Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Controls concentration of HMOs in the City through application of percentage thresholds


Confirmation that Policy and explanatory text supersedes the historic, draft ‘Concentration of HMOs’ Supplementary Planning Document. No additional guidance is required, but clarification set out re data collection and the planning application process.






2.    Planning for Health Supplementary Planning Document



The Planning for Health SPD, the scope of which is outlined below, will require input from colleagues in the following teams: 

·         Strategic planning policy

·         Public health

·         Public realm

·         Community Sports Development

·         Development Management


Policy HW3: Built Sport Facilities

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

·         Requires development to provide proportionate new built sports facilities to meet the needs of future residents

·         Resists the loss of existing facilities

Evidence base of existing facilities to inform development management decision making and the allocation and use of developer contributions

Policy HW5: Healthcare services

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Supports the provision of new or enhanced primary and secondary care services where there is an identified need

Provides updated details of citywide provision to inform development management decision making and the allocation and use of developer contributions

Policy HW7: Healthy places

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

·         Ensure major developments consider healthy place-making principles

·         Requires strategic sites to have completed and submitted a Health Impact Assessment (HIA)


·         Specific guidance on completing HIAs, and information about how CYC will assess the document

·         Links to other policy influences particularly in housing and transport

·         Provide an evidence based resource to inform the preparation of HIAs

Policy GI5: Protection of Open Space and Playing Fields

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Protects and promotes existing open spaces and playing fields.

Relevant details associated with Playing Pitch Strategy update.

Policy GI6: New open space provision

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To secure open space provision from new residential development.

Provide an evidence base to inform development management decision making and the allocation and use of developer contribution


3.    Planning for Green Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document



The Planning for Green Infrastructure SPD, the scope of which is outlined below, will require input from colleagues in the following teams: 

·         Strategic planning policy

·         Public realm

·         Conservation

·         Carbon Reduction

·         Flood Risk Manager

·         Development Management




Policy GI1: New open space provision

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Establishes overarching policy principles for Green Infrastructure (GI) matters, including strategic links.

In advance of a CYC GI strategy, signpost to the green corridors map in the Local Plan as a basis for testing compliance.

Details relating to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy and its role as material evidence related to policy GI1.

Signpost and confirm approach to applying material/resources available as part of in Natural England GI Framework.

Policy GI2: Biodiversity and Access to Nature

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Protects designated sites, habitats and water quality.

Supports biodiversity net gain (BNG) in line with legislation and promotes the creation of new habitat.

Clarify matters in relation to the operation of BNG in York.

Policy G2a: Strensall Common Special Area of Conservation (SAC)

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Limits new residential development within a defined exclusion zone around Strensall Common.

Requires residential development in certain locations to provide open space to mitigate impacts at Strensall Common SAC

The requirements of appropriate mitigation open space, including delivery, management and maintenance.

Policy GI3: Green Infrastructure Network

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To protect and enhance York’s green infrastructure networks.

Confirmation of latest network mapping.

Case study examples of schemes where network enhancements have been achieved.

Policy GI4: Trees and Hedgerows

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Protects and promotes the value of trees and hedgerows

Provide details of how to successfully integrate trees and hedgerows into development and where relevant reference recent and ongoing CYC projects.

Policy D2: Landscape

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

  • Encourages development that protects/enhances good landscape design, biodiversity enhancement and water sensitive design.
  • Recognises importance of existing high quality landscape features i.e. mature trees, hedges, historic boundaries

Considerations for landscape settings at different scales:

     assessment of existing provision (trees hedges, ponds etc) and development of retention strategy

     approaches to design and layout of landscape features/components

Policy ENV4: Flood Risk

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To steer development to lowest areas of flood risk as far as possible.

To ensure flood risk of sites is properly understood and measures are incorporated that manage and mitigate risks appropriately – with green infrastructure a key part of these measures.

Details/examples of green infrastructure solutions to managing and mitigating flood risk (at various development scales).

Policy ENV5: Sustainable Drainage

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

Promotes restriction of surface water runoff from new development to below the extant run-off rate

Ways to combine SuDS with Green Infrastructure to maximise benefits

Consideration of physical constraints: space, buildings layout, orientation, land uptake, soil conditions in the design of SuDS.

Embedding aspects of current guidance as appropriate (City of York Council Sustainable Drainage Systems Guidance for Developers)


4.    Planning for York’s Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Communities



The Planning for Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Communities SPD will likely require input from colleagues in the following teams: 

·         Strategic planning policy

·         Development Management

·         Housing

A co-design approach will be taken with the relevant communities and their representatives to ensure the guidance responds to their needs and represents best practice.




Policy H5: Gypsies and Travellers

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To safeguard existing sites

To secure delivery of provision in site allocations to meet the needs set out in evidence

For a criteria based approach to assess suitability of proposed new sites

Design guidance for the delivery of sites in general and more specifically individual pitches


Policy H6: Travelling Showpeople

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To safeguard existing sites

To secure delivery of provision to meet the needs set out in evidence

For a criteria based approach to assess suitability of proposed new sites

Design guidance for the delivery of suitable sites for travelling showpeople.





5.    Planning for Transport SPD



The Planning for Transport SPD will likely require input from colleagues in the following teams: 

·         Strategic planning policy

·         Transport

·         Highways

·         Development Management




Policy T1: Sustainable Access                   

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To support development that minimises the need to travel and provides safe, suitable and attractive access for all transport users, maximising use and delivery of sustainable modes of transport.

To secure delivery of new frequent high quality public transport services as part of development proposals.

Consider impact of new York Local Transport Strategy on policy delivery.  Also emerging policy from central government and MCA.  Consider implications of Movement and Place based planning methods for new developments. 

Policy T2: Strategic Public Transport Improvements 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To support the delivery of transport infrastructure improvements, set out in Local Transport Plans and investment programmes through proposals for new development.

Additional information included in York’s new Local Transport Strategy with potential for further guidance release from Department for Transport.

Policy T3: York Railway Station and Associated Operational Facilities 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To support high quality development that upgrades York’s railway station to support the demands of new services and anticipated growth.


To support new interchange facilities as part of a package of measures to improve access to the station and the public realm arrival into York.


Delivery of the York Station Frontage and York Central projects discharges some the objectives of this policy.  Further work by the Mayoral Combined Authority likely to focus on masterplanning the Station itself in preparation for additional trip making around NPR and TRU, plus improving the Station for wheelchair users.

Policy T4: Strategic Highway Network Capacity Improvements 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To support the delivery of general and specific junction or other highway enhancements as set out in the Local Transport Plan and subsequent associated (or complementary) investment programmes that improve journey time reliability on sections of the road network that experience high volumes of traffic or delay.


Consider implications of adoption of formal target to reduce car use in York.  Guidance to be provided to minimise need for additional highway capacity by enhancing alternatives to car.

Policy T5: Strategic Cycle and Pedestrian Network Links and Improvements 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To support and actively encourage the extension and delivery of new cycle and pedestrian network links and infrastructure as a result of new development. 

Incorporate new design standards and recommendations from emerging Highway Design Guide.

Policy T6: Development at or Near Public Transport Corridors, Interchanges and Facilities 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To consider and safeguard existing operational interchange facilities/ routes in relation to the effects of new development, supporting development where this is not compromised.


Incorporate new design standards and recommendations from emerging Highway Design Guide.

Policy T7: Minimising and Accommodating Generated Trips 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To require a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment and Travel Plan, as required, to be submitted to support proposed development.


To require Strategic Sites to identify specific impacts on the A64 and sections of highways within York’s neighbouring authorities arising from the proposed development individually or in combination with other strategic sites and any mitigation including physical capacity enhancement measures


Consider impact of new York Local Transport Strategy on policy delivery.  Also emerging policy from central government and MCA.  Consider implications of Movement and Place based planning methods for new developments. 


Consider role that enhanced Travel Planning could play in delivery of sustainable sites with minimal traffic impacts.

Policy T8: Demand Management  

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To manage overall flow of traffic in and around the city.


To required development to comply with the latest parking standards  guidance and demand management measures

Incorporate new design standards and recommendations from emerging Highway Design Guide.

Policy T9: Alternative Fuel Fuelling Stations and Freight Consolidation Centres 

Policy Objective

Additional guidance

To support the delivery of York’s Low emission strategy.

To support development of alternative-fuel (for example, compressed natural gas (CNG), hydrogen, or electric charging) fuelling stations and Use Class B8 freight consolidation centres (FCCs), subject to provisions in policy.

To require proposals to provide a suitable evidence base, a transport assessment, anticipated reductions in freight (where applicable) and demand management proposals.

Consider emerging recommendations from York EV charging strategy